2011 Recap: Murfie

Looking back, Murfie had a roller-coaster year. (We know, we know…it’s a tired cliché.) Like any first-year startup, we had our ups and downs, but we made it through without falling out of the car. We tried to ride high, with our hands up in the air. We tried to keep pace. We tried to do a few celebratory fist pumps here and there.

In the year 2011, we moved from beta to full release. We recruited staffers by the dozen to operate the, well, operations room. We got a ping-pong table (and then retired it). We garnered shout-outs by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, NPR, and Southwest Airlines. We started a podcast. We ordered healthy takeout for almost all working lunches. We solved too many bugs to count. We hit solid marks in customer growth and CDs received.

Moving into 2012, we’ll be doing a whole lot of somethings. We’re looking to fine-tune our mission statement and value proposition. We’re looking to continue building a complementary, cohesive core team. (This one’s important, so let’s take a pause. Business models may shift and ideas may change, but smart people are always valuable.) We’re looking to make all our operational processes more efficient. Above all else we’re looking to reach a larger customer base: we’re excited to connect with folks who want to be part of a media landscape that is ever changing. The question of ownership versus access will continue to take center stage, and we plan to stay at the forefront – making our unique stamp on the digital music revolution.

1 thought on “2011 Recap: Murfie”

  1. Pingback: 2012 Recap: Murfie | Capital Entrepreneurs

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