If you are dreading another networking event where you find yourself trapped in a corner with a person you have nothing in common with, there is a solution…
Applications are now being accepted for MyEntrepreneurNet‘s Entrepreneur Speed Matching Event being held at the Dreambank on April 23rd. MyEntrepreneurNet is a searching and connecting platform for entrepreneurs in Madison that profiles and then connects you with likeminded entrepreneurs in the community based on business types, interests, locations, commitment, personality, etc. MyEntrepreneurNet works to create as much support amongst entrepreneurs as possible so you can find potential partners, reach out to experts in different fields or create mastermind groups around certain topics.
On the 23rd of April we are holding a matching event at the Dreambank that will match entrepreneurs (who have completed profiles) in the flesh. Everyone you are introduced to will have something in common with you, so you won’t have to use that mundane question ‘So… what do you do?’. It is strictly for entrepreneurs only, NO pitching allowed.
MyEntrepreneurNet is grateful to the Dreambank for its support in organizing and supplying the space for the 23rd. We hope to see you there.
To learn more and RSVP for the event click here. The application deadline is April 19th so that the data can be compiled and sorted.
This is going to be an awesome event!